Nirvana Belleza

Nirvana Belleza

Sree Prabhupada Layout, Kondapur 1890 sft - UDS 59.7 Sq Yards

The art of unique and stylish living is not mastered by many, and yet here you are, acing the art like none other by choosing us. This unique project of Nirvana group, Nirvana Belleza stands out in the crowd from the usual apartment facades we see in our day to day life by exploring the potential that terracotta can offer and intro- ducing parametric architecture into it. Here, luxury goes hand in hand with sustainability, so be proud of owning one of these at Kondapur!


The Master Layout

The terracotta parametric facade is undoubtedly a visual treat to one's eyes. The magical light and shadow patterns and its dynam- ic nature adds to it. By bringing in light and fresh air through this facade, it is the best way to bring out a connection with the nature without compromising on privacy.
We have Carefully tried out different patterns and combinations, and each jalli brick is curated and placed so as to please you aes- thetically and functionally. Introducing this additional skin to the building, apart from giving you the feeling of being a part of something so aesthetically pleasing, it also gives climatic advan- tages. The same joy of drinking water from a matka during sum- mers, is what you can experience inside this terracotta wrapped apartment during the harsh summers.

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